Thursday, October 27, 2016

Worth it for the Blossom trees

There are a lot of days when I think "I have the best job in the world" but this is especially true in Spring. Don't get me wrong, there are also some days when I think "I wish I had an indoor job" but for the most part I really love getting out on my bike, riding around delivering Charity Bags door to door.

Spring time comes and I think "I love Spring!" I get excited that the weather is getting warmer and I won't have to wear my beanie and extra thick socks when I'm out delivering. Then I remember, spring time is also often the rainiest time of the year so I will often be wearing my rain coat. And there are days when I'm out in the cold rain that I think "I hate Spring"

Then I get excited that Spring also means longer days. The sun rises earlier and sets later so I will have more times of light to deliver in, and I think "I LOVE Spring!" but I also remember that Sprintg means the coming of magpie swooping season. Magpies that swoop not just once as you ride past, casually getting close to you, but magpies that swoop again and again, hitting you in the back of the head, side on - attacking your ears, Making me frightened by the shadows of flying birds and the clicking sound that many birds make with their wings when they get close enough for you to hear, and I think "I HATE Spring!"

Then I think about the flowers, the beautiful, beautiful flowers that come out in Spring. Flowers that fill my heart with happiness just to look at them. Flowers that could brighten the day of anyone who saw them, flowers is so many shapes and colours, and I think about how much I love Spring. But I also remember that with flowers comes hayfever. Hayfever that at times is so bad that my eyes nearly swell shut, I forget what it is like to have a nose that isn't dripping, and my throat is constantly itching. And through constant sneezing and watery eyes I remember that I don't really like Spring all that much after all.

It's about this time that I come across the Blossom Trees. There's nothing quite like a Blossom Tree, with the pink or white flowers greeting you as you turn a corner into a street filled with them, or as you catch their scent riding past. And I remember that even with the rainy days, the swooping magpies, and even the heyfever that I really truly do love spring, every aspect of it, and all the things that make Spring less enjoyable especially in my delivering, all of them are worth it, worth it for the Blossom Trees.