Friday, September 25, 2009

My latest Australian job

It just happens to be the same as my first Australian job - babysitting the Glover kidos.

- this time there are 4 kids (and it's Charley sleeping, not Josh)
- There were no fire plans shown to me (maybe Bethany doesn't know them in her renovated house :) )
- their bed times are later
- The parentals stayed out later (I think they are a bit more used to me now)
- There were hardly any instructions (it's nice to be familiar enough with them for the parents to feel comfortable enough to leave the children without much instruction)

- They went to bed without a fuss
- We played games then watched some of a movie

There have been plenty of times in between, but it's been awhile since the last time I babysat them. It was nice to do it once again. Those Glover kids are pretty grand. So...I'm looking forward to next week. :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I love technology...

...always and forever

I'll never cease to be amazed:

I can send a message with the click of a button to the other side of the word, and they'll receive it in a matter of minutes.

I can talk on the phone to my family and friends that live in america

I can listen to a sermon in Australia on Monday, that was preached in Scotland on Sunday

...not as much as you you see, but I still love technology
always and forever!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I once met a girl named Elli,
From Germany did she come
she stayed and played, we ran all over town
and sure had a lot of fun

but then one day this Elli
To Germany did she go back
and I have missed her dearly
oh friend I hope you come back


Then one day a few years later
another girl did come
her name, this girl, is Debi
and Germany she is from

The second time I saw her
she with a hug did greet
it was so warm and friendly
an unexpected treat

So why I ask can't we
be more friendly like that
why do we have to take so long
until we can hug back

we have a mutual friend
This girl Debi and I
A family called the Wetzels
that I babysit from time time

7 months she will be here
and I hope to spend a lot of time
getting to know dear Debi
(and now I've finished the rhyme)