Sunday, September 30, 2007

Praying for rain

5th Sunday of the month = Guest Service
30th of September = 5th Sunday

In McKinnon we didn't have a single guest. Nonetheless, we still stuffed chairs in our van to bring down to Frankston even though we have more then enough in Frankston.
We pray that as the rain waters the earth, so will the gospel water the hearts and minds of the people in the country. We pray for rain, but how many of us bring along an umbrella?

We brought umbrellas, hoping and praying, that tonight, the chairs will be filled up

Please join us in praying that we would have effective outreach to the McKinnon/Frankston area, and that the people would hear Gods word preached, and respond to it.


Charity said...

keep praying.
God still knows.
And we'll keep bringing umbrellas.

Anonymous said...

A well-written parable, Maria. I will be praying for rain to fill the chairs and hearts.

Anonymous said...

Will be praying for you. Glad to see you are not bored without all of us crazy AMERICANS! How is your Scripture Memory going?!??! Miss you!