Yesterday evening I said goodbye to my dear friend Elli. For the sixth time since we have been in Australia, I went to the Melbourne airport. This time to say goodbye to Elli Wetzel.
The past five weeks she has been staying with her Aunt and Uncle in Australia (she is German and lives in Germany) whom we girls babysit for.
We have been hanging out with Elli a lot the past five weeks. We went to the city twice (three times if you count the airport), she has come over for dinner a few times, gone to bible study together, she came to church a few times, had sleepover, had movie nights, even made scrapbooks together. We had sooo much fun! It was great to have a friend our age, right down the road to stop in and say hello, or to go up to the city together just to go to the city, or to walk to church or bible study. And we took heaps of pictures!!
Yesterday, we parted. I rode up to the airport with the Wetzels. When we got there we ate Hungry Jacks until the line opened. Elli went through, then we waited around until her gate opened. We walked around the airport, Elli and I took the boys on a few wondering, and just waited around until the time came. We said our goodbyes. I cried, I don't like goodbyes. The ride home was relatively quiet. I cried more, it is hard to be sad around 3 giggling young boys though.

I had to put this picture up, it is pretty much the cutest picture EVER!
After five wonderful weeks, she is now gone. I miss her greatly! Lord Willing we will see each other again some day.
Elli, ich liebe Dich so sehr viel! Ich bin so froh, daß ich Sie als mein Freund habe. Ich vermisse Sie bereits!
Hello Maria!!
I am one of Tamara's friends from Covfamikoi. Tamara and I were in the same counseling group. It was hard to say good-bye to all my new found friends and all of the friends I made the previous year.
Love in Christ,
She's pretty much really cute.
I miss her.
But at least I don't miss you.
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