With too big pajamas on, his hair all in a mess, he looks up at me. He is so small, so young and innocent, so happy. It does not take much to make this gorgeous little boy happy. Just a bottle of warm milk and a bedtime story is enough to make him perfectly content. A smile spreads over his small round face he is so charming. He reaches to give me a goodnight hug and kiss before he lays his head against the pillow. His eyelids begin to droop as he gives into the sleep that is taking over. The smile is replaced by a somber look, no longer caring what is going on, except for in his dreams. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. There is now no reason for him to worry or fear. Nothing can touch him now. He knows he is safe. Goodnight my adorable little friend Joshua.
Check out the music video below on the right hand side
awwwwwwwwwwww! what a cutie!!! i love that little chum. he's a glover! who can help but love them?
i think dad gave me his cold. i hope not.
i should be doing school. uggh. on a saturday. i would probably be done if SOME people hadn't wanted to TEAR APART our room!!!!!!!!
but oh well. it looks nice now, right? right.
buhbye. (achooo! cough, cough. sniffle, dribble. ewwww.)
how cute!!!
That is too cute! Aww! How come you and C and make such beautiful post and i can't! :( Well He is a beautiful little boy.
I love the veggie-tales song. Dang, that brings back heaps of memeories! :) Well, I love you. I'm going to go see if you put up those pics on your website like you said you would do.
see ya when yo uget home, sissy.
P.S. I made your bed! And mine! And CHAIRYS!! IT TOOK A LONG TIME! I hope you apprisheate the CLEAND room! JP saw the bed/s and was impressed. :)
ahhh its love songs with mr. lunt!!!!!! I haven't thought about that song in FOREVER!!!! thank you for putting it up maria....thank you so much!!!
aww, that was a very beautiful post. you've got a talent with words....all you blackwood gals do (that means you too Tamara!! ;-)). he sounds like a sweet kid. :o)
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