I got my first try at driving a manual car today.
So it was only in the driveway, but it was still fun.
I wasn't very good at it.
My mum was a little scared.
It gave my siblings a good laugh.
Towards the end I finally figured out how to use the clutch.
Maybe next time I will be a little better at it...Maybe :)
In an automatic car, I am a little bit better. I drove half way home from church a few weeks ago. Only half way because Dad wasn't sure if I am ready for the freeway. That was my only drive longer then 5 minutes. I have a little trouble with the round-a-bouts. I have been doing little drives such as to and from bible study and evening church, but other then that not much. It has been great driving. I like it a lot. :)
Hehe.... that's funny.
You can't drive, silly! ;)
I miss you (and the rest of them too)!
Hey, you should jack up the drive wheels on the car that's manual. That way you can practice popping the clutch all you want with out scaring your mother.
Haha!! OH man, that was SOO funny watching you in the drive! *sigh* too funny- my sides hurt, and my laugh go stuck in my cheeks! :-)
Hey i slept on the way home from church w/ you driving! That shows how much i trust you.... er... or how tired i was. :)
Anyways, see ya when you get home. I'm all alone and i don't know where anyone is! :'(
love ya
I can't get my liscense until December *sob* cuz the stupid state of Indiana doesn't accept permits from other states! *angry face* But I've been driving on gravel since I was 8 and Dad taught me how to drive a stick the week before I turned 14. I drove everywhere in Minnesota but since I'm learning where everything is around here, that's fine I haven't in a while. Practice makes perfect and thankfully driving is easier than piano.
ahhhhhhhhh I missed TWO WHOLE POSTS!!! I must comment on the post below because "0 comments" is like the saddest thing EVER. I missed all the excitement...and I still haven't tried driving the manual. YAY FOR FREEWAY DRIVING! It is waaaay better than regular roads, huh? :)
*sigh* I am tired. Goodnight.
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