Don't fight with your siblings.
obey right now
stop complaining and do it
Well, maybe you don't at your house, but we hear things like that a lot. Mostly they go something like this (these aren't exact quotes from the bible, they are my moms words)
- Blesses are the peacemakers
- Do EVERYTHING without grumbling and complaining
- A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger
- Pride goes before a fall
- He how loves to argue loves to argue loves sin
- Delayed obedience is disobedience
Sorry it has taken me so long to update, I will try to get back into updating more often
*ahem* The scariest thing about this post is not that those words are heard (or similar versions of them) in our house, it's that I say them *wah*
"Stop bickering" "Stop fighting with your sister/brother"
hehe I love how you put the italics/caps on the words that she emphasizes. ;-)
aww... such a lovely post! :) Very ture! did you find out who "anonymous" is? :) I can't tell. I'm sure its mom or maybe dad. :)
Yeah you defently need to update more. and i'll start commenting more. And whats wrong with your profile pic? you need to get it fixed with the one that zach took today! that was brilliant! Seriously it was amazing!
love ya sis
Haha what do you know its working. Well you still, in a while, change it to that pic. But leave this one up for a while. Its very cute! I wish i could have gotten pic with the boys! way didn't you call me in!> *sigh* oh well. We can crash another party soon. :-)
hm, I think our parrents r reading from the same handbook.
"Parents of ornery kids" or something like that.
Hey JP( I did figure it our before you told me) You are aloud to say them, you are a mother. I am sure I will have to say them when I am a mother.
Charity it just wouldn't be the same with ou8r the whole emphasizes that she puts on the words.
Tamara, it is JP. Can't you tell. I will try to update more.My picture is working now. :)
Graham, :) lol! Probably. It is pretty scary how a lot of parents say the same things to correct their kids.
Ellen, me too!
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