We three girls are taking debating this semister at our homeschool classes, and yesterday morning, Charity, Tamara, and I had our first debate. It went pretty well. We ended up wining, so that is probably a good sign, but we didn't really prepair as much as we should have. Charity was the first speaker. She did a really good job. I was second speaker, and I did ok I guess. I made up on rebutle on the spot, and that was kind of hard to do, and it really didn't make much since unless you knew what I was talking about, which the Australians didn't. Tamara was the third speaker, and she had the hardest job because she couldn't do much preparation, most of what she did was on the spot. She still did a good job, but we didn't do all of the rebutles that we should have. We also painted our houses in pottery. So we are all done with pottery. It was a LOT of fun to do. Here are some pictures from debate. I don't have any pictures of our houses, but Zachary should put them up on his website soon.
Ahh debate! Gotta love that class. :) Congrats on winning!
I love the pictures! Thanks so much for sharing them! love ya!
great pics. :) I look very stressed....or something. That was a GREAT debate! I hope we can do as well on the next one on which topic we care pretty much NOTHING about. Oh well. It should be grand, anyway!
gotta go to work. yikes!!!!!!
Is there any doubt about whether Oz is better then the US? I don't think so! :) JK
How old were those guys you were up against? Like, 9?!
Love you, Ily
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun, though I don't know if there was much to debate. ( no offense to australia! ) I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever, next time I call we should really chat! Love you -
Heya, that looked like alot of fun -- you guys are so smart! Have a fun, um, whatever you are having. Hey, are you guys on a break from school or something?? If you are then NO FAIR! Nah, school is cool (unlike my rhyming skillz).
Love love, James
cool pics!!
Hey Flo, yeah, debate class is fun for the most part, but I am not the best public speaker. Love you too Flobie!
Charity, talk to Zachary, he picked out the picture
ILY!!!!! You commented!! How did that happen? that makes me happy! Hey, those boys were like betten the ages of 11 and 14, and two of them have taked debate class before, so we won fairly.
Ellie, totally! America rocks! Australia is pretty great too!
Amy, yep we are offocially on school holidays till next friday, but we still haven't had a summer break for more then a year :)!
christiana glad you like the picture!
Hey MJ,
I only heard Chario's part. You'll have to show me yours sometime.
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