My Favorite smells
- Freshly baked bread
- trees
- mowed grass
- Christians
- my mom's brownies
- my grandma's pies
- lake water
- horses
- most any animals
- squishy pillows ( I don't know what they are really called, but the pillows with little tiny bean things inside that are all sorts of different shapes. )
- new books
- new cars
- leaves in the fall
- outdoors in the early spring morning
- hot coco after playing in the snow
- fresh tomatoes from the garden
My favorite sounds
- pulling out of a gravel driveway
- most any music
- dogs toenails on a hard wood floor
- voices (especially my family's)
- leaves crunching underneath feet in the fall
- the noise before the 'do walk sign" in Australia
- horses hoofs pounding the ground, and their panting
- cats purr
- singing of psalms
- cameras
- dog barks
- kids laughing
- duct tape being pealed off the roll
- leaves in the wind
- squeaky swings
- flip flops
- talking into a fan
- lawn mowers
- Cole family gatherings
- the woods at night
- birds
- storms
My favorite things to feel
- horses
- dogs
- cats
- bunnies
- kangaroos
- mud between my toes
- water
- outdoors under bear feet
- snow
- fire on a cold day (not actually touching it)
- peoples hair
- rolling down hills in Australia (no chiggers)
- a mighty wind
- clay
- Charity's legs :)
My favorite tastes
- pizza
- American ice cream
- milo
- roasted American marshmallows
- burnt Australian marshmallows
- mountain dew (even if it doesn't have cafine in it)
- mom's hot coco
- veggies from the garden
- most any fruit
- warm cookies
- peanut butter and marshmallow cream
- warm salt water
My favorite sights
- my family
- my friends
- horses in a field
- country road
- hills with green grass covered in sheep or cows or horses
- kittens cuddles up together
- sunrises
- sunsets
- the ocean
- water
- the woods
- kangaroos in the wild
- a full sanctuary at McKinnon church
- lightning while in an aeroplane
- big storms
- most any animal
My Favorite things to do
- hang out with friends/family
- go to church
- ride horses
- play with younger kids
- play with animals
- knit
- cross stitch
- read
- listen to AIO
- listen to music
- ride bikes
- swing
- watch movies with people
- explore anything
- shopping ( I have to be in the mood for it, but I wouldn't call it my very favorite thing to do)
- play guitar
- climb trees
Not so favorites
- wet dogs
- my hands after washing dishes
- moth balls
- sour milk
- ticking clocks
- buzzing lights
- fingernails on a chalk board
Things to feel
- food particles in the bottom of the sink after draining the water after washing dishes
- crickets
- sticky hair
- grilled cheese
- tomato soup
- Turkish delight
- aero planes
- Chicago train station
- curdled milk
To do
- wash dishes
- clean bathrooms
- sleep in beds ( I prefer the ground or a chair)
- talk in front of people
- say goodbye
great song, GREAT POST! hahaha. i'll comment more later. I have to go inside...
Maria (my much loved second olderst sister, or second youngest, one of the two),
I just wanted to say that you have some really great stuff on here! I'm sad that I haven't checked it out more often!
I'm not often a very good blog checker, if ya haven't noticed...
But, I agree with most all the things you have on here, and I especially liked your favorite sounds, because I was remembering the actual sound of each one of them, which was very cool. :-)
I also like your music on here.
And I really liked your posts w/the 'I hope you dance' lyrics to some pictures - it pretty much made me tear up! :)
Well, that's all for now!
Hey Charito- yeah, I am still waiting for that coment more later.
Eleni- I was really confused who leni was when I first read the post. I figured it out before the Eleni part of your coment though. I am glad that you like the post. I love squeaky swings, because it espescially reminds me of my cousins and the squeaky swing they had.
Allen - I did notive, but thats ok, I don't do it too much either. I am glad you liked the other post too. It was really fun to make.
Ellen- thanks for your comment.
What a great post! I feel like I know you through and through now! :)
Love ya!
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