Today that missions team left to go back to America. :( I am going to miss them all soooo much. The past few weeks with them was a BLAST!! All but Eleni and my brothers departed this morning. It was sad to see them go, but I am sure they are looking forward to seeing their familys again. Pray for them all as they are heading back to America. Safe travels. And thank God for the blessing that there time was here. They were such a blessing to the churches here. They are all such godly examples to me. I hope to see them all again soon!
Bethany: don't forget your bible. You can sleep in my bed anytime!
Christie: I hope you get enought sleep. Don't go eating to many cookies and funnelcakes.
Luke: lets play the shoulder game, and sing my song
Tricia: You know who can't wait for you to get back? Don't annoy too many people with your didgerydo.
haha - I love how there's a little space in the middle (must be for Luke!) and how they're divided into 2 groups of 3 - Indianaers and Pennsylvaniaers! hehe. Looks funny.
your the first person i have given a coment to in like ages. nice pictues. i bet people read your blog they just don't comment. don't give up, like me. But hopfully i'll have an update soon.
love ya
heh i actually read the post this time! Nice. Its sad to have them go. You should put your post about your bed on here. ;)
oh one more thing nice song! I really like! ;) lol really really really like! Ok maybe not that much it just reminds me of armigeten (sp) that was a great movie! Yeah so when every i here this song i think of it! Ok that was all.... for now ;)
love ya
Hey Maria!
How ya doing? I feel kinda silly posting a comment and yet not sending any emails. I'm sorry. Well, I hope you're doing fantastic! I just got back from watching the most polite kids in the world with some other girls from TFY! I really should hit the hay now! So, I'll chat with you later! love, flo
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