Monday, January 30, 2017

Four thousand and eighteen days

A few days ago, January 28th came and went. For many, it was just an ordinary day, not unlike other January 28th's in years past. It was a day that went by without mention to any (even in our family) but it was a day of great significance in the lives of the Ed Blackwood Family. January 28th 2017 marked a day when one member of our Family had officially lived more of his life in Australia than in America.

On January 26th, 2006, just one day shy of his 11th birthday, Benjamin moved half-way around the world from Indianapolis Indiana to Frankston Australia. (actually skipping his 11th birthday on the flight to Australia) And the total number of days lived in America were 4017 (10 years, 364 days).
On January 28th, 2006, one day after his 11th birthday, Benjamin officially began his time of living in Australia. And on January 28th this year, the count of days lived in Australia was 4018 (11 years to the day)

Some of you might be thinking who cares about a thing like how many days you've lived in a country. Well, in answer, I do. If you'd asked me in January of 2006 how long I'd be living in Australia. My answer would have been "2 years, that's all, then I'll be back and live in America again" - it didn't take very long for my answer of "Where do you consider Home to be?" to change from "America" to "Australia". And there are times that I think Australia is so much home, that America seems like this foreign country that I happen to have a connection to. There have been days when I miss America so much my heart aches, and there have been other days when I wish I could just turn everything about myself Australian. But most of the time, I'm thankful that I'm an Australican and all the things that that entails. Thankful because having 2 places that at different times I have called home reminds me that this earth is not our home ultimately. In the bible, Hebrews 11 talks about the so called 'Heros of the Faith' - those men and women who had great faith in God, showing that they believed His promises, things hoped for and not seen. verses 13 and following say,

"These all died in faith without having received the promises, but they saw them from a great distance, greeted them, and confessed that they were foreigners and temporary residents on the earth. Now those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they were thinking about where they came from, they would have had an opportunity to return. But they now desire a better place - a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them." 

Having lived in 2 countries does give me an even greater longing for Heaven, the true homeland for all those who are trusting in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. So, even as we know that this is not our ultimate home, when January 28th came and went, it got me thinking, and wondering, where will I be living on the 19th November 2020? Will it mark the day that I've lived 5410 days in Australia, compared to the 5409 that I lived in America? Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Ella Mann said...

Wow, I hadn't thought about this! That IS significant! I'm thankful for your thoughts. I think often about the verse in Isaiah that promises one day "sorrow and sighing will flee away." Things like living across the world from half of my family definitely bring sorrow and sighing to my heart at times. My heart aches with longing for us to one day live together...and I know it might not be until Heaven. Love you, sister! You are a great writer and a wonderful, lovely woman of God!