Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dear Grandma, Grandpa, and Katy

Since I didn’t write you an airplane note before you left. (you probably realised that that is a bit of a tradition for us, with T and B both writing you letters. We like to give last letters to read on the plane, and to re-read over and over again to remember the good times, and just because it is nice to have something to hold onto when the visit has come to an end) so, I wanted to write you a letter. So here it goes:

Dear Grandma, Grandpa, and Katy,

Thank you so much for coming to Australia. Thank you for taking the time, and spending the money, and leaving behind many things for those 5 weeks to come and visit us. I’ve never had the chance to spend that amount of time with you all especially in such a close way, and I am grateful for that time more than words can say.
I am so thankful that you were able to experience our life here in Australia. I’m glad that you got to meet our friends, see where we live, come to our church, and experience our life here.
I am glad that I was able to get to know you better over these 5 weeks. I’m glad for the things that I learnt about you, about Grandma and Grandpa’s childhoods, about Dad moving in with you, about your foster and adopted children, and just to know you all better
Grandpa, thanks for helping me with the veggie garden, for doing all the hard work, sorry you don’t get to enjoy the fruit of your labours, but I think all of us will be thankful for the home grown veggies J
I’m thankful that in this five weeks, I got to experience great things with you, and I will miss Katy’s hugs, late night talks with Grandma, one on one talks and walks with Grandpa, your prayers, so many times I heard and was so grateful for all 3 of your prayers, teaching Katy in my children’s bible class, hearing her tell me the catechism questions, lunch with Grandpa and Katy, outings with Grandma. I will miss it, but mostly I will miss you all!
Lord Willing I will see you again next year!

Love Always,


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