The temperature has been in the hight 90's F lately, so it has been pretty hot lately especially since we don't have air conditioning in our house, so it can get pretty hot around our house. So last Saturday our family (except for Charity) packed up and headed down to the Mt. Eliza beach. Because of a recent strong onshore wind there has been heaps of jellyfish in the bay lately. It was the first time our family had encountered them. Benji and I were just harmlessly swimming along when Benji squealed "EEEIKK". Dead ahead was this red jellyfish. Dad was visiting Robbie, so we decided we should catch one and show dad when we came along. So we got out the swimming caps to catch the Jelly's. We got the one after lots of trying, then Benji spotted another one! So we caught it too and added it to our collection. We went on like this spotting more and more till we had nearly a dozen. It was so cool to watch them swim or whatever they do. They kept getting their tentacles tangled with each other. After dad arrived and we showed him our wonderful collection. Benji was afraid that we were being cruel and unusual to the poor little guys getting their tentacles all tangled with each other, so we let all but 4 go. There It was pretty sweet, Tim-Tam, Mum, and me even got stung by one. It was really weird. More of an itch then a sting. It was very strange, but didn't last long. I love going to the beach, despite the deadly animals. Ok, so there really aren't any deadly animals in the water in Victoria....at least no that I have heard of. You never know though. :) Well, there are a few pictures ^ of our adventures. Enjoy!
*smile* good post. It was very well writen and made me laugh- it was so ture though! And that was a ture "finding Nemo" tital! :-)
Love pictures (wonder who look 'um? hmm.. ;))- 'twas great fun at the beach satureday! Even if we were getting attacked by crazy little Jelly guys!
And you forgot the MAN. Taking on the Jellys man- sweeet! ;)
love ya
That sounds like fun! I love discovering new and interesting wild life.
duuuuuuuuuuuuuude THIS SONG!!!!!
ok ok ok ok OK remember when I requested it for you in Indy and....was that the time I kept calling back to see if he played it yet and then he finally did and he said, "this was for Charity"????? or was it the time that I pretended I was from Texas and requested it for my "room mate" -- even though we definitely didn't share a room at that time! WWWWOOOOWWW MEMORIES!!
it's a pretty dumb song, though (as I've already pointed out today, I believe). HELLO! What a bad worldview!! or something.
I need to go to sleep. but I hought I'd comment so you would quit accusing me of...not caring or something. I loove the first picture. After that, the photography skillz are rather downhillish.
This comment is going ot be longer than the one I left on Tamara's, so I HOPE IT SHOWS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!!
Okay, I need to get Tamara to quit evily counting her money on her bed...and hop into my own!
One day, I was going into the library to hear someone speak...
a hoot, huh? i think I WILL come along!
Sweet. I wish I could play with jellfish. I agree with Katie, it's great discovering "new and interesting wild life"! Thanks for the pictures. I laughed when you wrote Benji's first reaction to them. :) Hope you're doing well Maria, bye bye.
my comment.
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