Thursday, December 14, 2006

What do you call it?

Lately we have been getting the question "are you on the pop or soda side of America" Well, I always just called it coke no matter what it was, but apparently that is just me. I am told that I am on the pop side. So besides pop, soda, and coke, here they call things fizzy, or even lemonade. Yeah, that sounds very weird but it is just like coke. Lemonade was the first carbonated drink, so therefore everything after that is still referred to as lemonade. Well that is actually more of the older generation. So I have changed from calling it pop (or coke) to mostly calling it fizzy. We have been having this conversation a lot lately, don't ask me why. I was just wondering though what do you call it?


Charity said...

I call it........DRINK!

eleni said...

Coke :) My mom tried to influence us by calling it "pop", but I think we all rebelled. She's from the north country where they speak strange-like...just kiddin'! I love where my mom's from. :) But anyway...I like your new look, very nice!
Hope you have a good rest of your weekend Maria!
- El

Maria JoAnn said...

Charity, lol! I know THAT. I wanted a bit more info.:)

Eleni, I knew I wasn't alone. My parents both call it pop too. Glad you like the new look. Make sure your scroll all the way down and look at all my beautiful pictures on the right.

Anonymous said...

Awww, Maria, your profile picture is beautiful. I also love your new template! I'm a 'pop' person. ;-)

Andrew said...

hmm, lately i've been calling it uh, caffiene...there might be a reason for that one...

nice upgrade..;-)

Unknown said...

Well, of course, there's always Mineral Water (which my Dad oddly calls Spa Water (which has confused and worried many a friend)) which is your favourite ;-)

I always wondered about that whole "soda" and "pop" phenomonon... and now I know :-D

Unknown said...

Hey, how did the computer come up with my name - did you do that? You're such a cool friend to have.

rayhe said...

Your new picture is beautiful! WE had this discussion in an english class in college. The prof said that one coast was pop and the other was soda and our area of the country usually calls it coke... at least I think that is what it is!

Romie said...

New here - but I am from California so it is soda (or Sprit which is the one I drink the most).

Anonymous said...

Maria! Check this out:
I reckon it'll interest ya! (and maybe other people also)


Unknown said...

I say do you want to go get a coke, then we would go to the gas station and pick out what kind of pop we wanted, but after living in Wisconsin, they really don't even know what you are saying if you say, what kind of Diet pop do you have....they look you straight in the face and say WHAT???
Interesting...i catch myself saying Soda now, because thats what I had to say to get around up there....I'm trying to revert back to POP!!!:)