Saturday, September 30, 2006

What to name him

Yesterday all day, we five younger kids and mom went shopping at Queen Victoria Markets. It is like a flea market. It was really fun. I don't use spell-check. We all came home with lots of stuff for others and ourselvs. It was really fun. We all got Australian T-shirts. We will get a picture of all of us in them sometime, and I will post it on my blog whenever that happens. Probably the most exciting thing we came home with yesterday was A BUNNY!!! I real live 5 week old dwarf rabit. It is the cutest thing. There is only one problem... what to name him?!?! Here are some of the names that we came up with. Take a look at him, and tell me what you think his name should be. Either one of these or one of your own. Here are the names:
  • Howard (howie for short)
  • Thumper (the bunny off of bambie)
  • Dopey (because he is a dwarf)
  • Stevie (In honor of Steve Erwin, and becuase it can be a girl or boy name)
  • Timothy (just becasue we have had a Dog named Paul, and a cat named Barnabas)
  • Bugs Bunny (thanks Anna Pulliam)
  • Storm (or stormy because he is the color of storm)
  • Cinnimon (because Allen had a stuffed rabbit named that for like 10 years)

Those are what we came up with. We actually came up with a bunch more, but these are the ones we thought were the best.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

That the US is better then Australia

We three girls are taking debating this semister at our homeschool classes, and yesterday morning, Charity, Tamara, and I had our first debate. It went pretty well. We ended up wining, so that is probably a good sign, but we didn't really prepair as much as we should have. Charity was the first speaker. She did a really good job. I was second speaker, and I did ok I guess. I made up on rebutle on the spot, and that was kind of hard to do, and it really didn't make much since unless you knew what I was talking about, which the Australians didn't. Tamara was the third speaker, and she had the hardest job because she couldn't do much preparation, most of what she did was on the spot. She still did a good job, but we didn't do all of the rebutles that we should have. We also painted our houses in pottery. So we are all done with pottery. It was a LOT of fun to do. Here are some pictures from debate. I don't have any pictures of our houses, but Zachary should put them up on his website soon.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

6 bible verses spoken most in our home (mostly by mum)

Have you ever heard these words at your house?

Don't fight with your siblings.
obey right now
stop complaining and do it

Well, maybe you don't at your house, but we hear things like that a lot. Mostly they go something like this (these aren't exact quotes from the bible, they are my moms words)

  • Blesses are the peacemakers
  • Do EVERYTHING without grumbling and complaining
  • A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger
  • Pride goes before a fall
  • He how loves to argue loves to argue loves sin
  • Delayed obedience is disobedience
I get annoyed with it sometimes, but when Mum feels the need to say it is probably when I need to hear it. I thank God that he gave me parents who correct me when I need correction. I love them for it! The most important thing that they have done for me is introducing me to Jesus, and teaching me most of what I know about him.

Sorry it has taken me so long to update, I will try to get back into updating more often