Yesterday all day, we five younger kids and mom went shopping at Queen Victoria Markets. It is like a flea market. It was really fun. I don't use spell-check. We all came home with lots of stuff for others and ourselvs. It was really fun. We all got Australian T-shirts. We will get a picture of all of us in them sometime, and I will post it on my blog whenever that happens. Probably the most exciting thing we came home with yesterday was A BUNNY!!! I real live 5 week old dwarf rabit. It is the cutest thing. There is only one problem... what to name him?!?! Here are some of the names that we came up with. Take a look at him, and tell me what you think his name should be. Either one of these or one of your own. Here are the names:
- Howard (howie for short)
- Thumper (the bunny off of bambie)
- Dopey (because he is a dwarf)
- Stevie (In honor of Steve Erwin, and becuase it can be a girl or boy name)
- Timothy (just becasue we have had a Dog named Paul, and a cat named Barnabas)
- Bugs Bunny (thanks Anna Pulliam)
- Storm (or stormy because he is the color of storm)
- Cinnimon (because Allen had a stuffed rabbit named that for like 10 years)
Those are what we came up with. We actually came up with a bunch more, but these are the ones we thought were the best.