Most saturdays at my house (if I am home on saturday) are just spent either working or lazing around doing nothing, but not last saturday.
So, Zachary, Tamara, Benjamin, and I decided to get out and do something this saturday. So we decided to take a bike ride. We hoped on bikes and took off on a ride planing on heading to a beach about (10 minutes or so away in a car). So we packed a few apples some shorts, a towel, and some water. We went riding along rather quickly, then I came to a hill and realized that my gears didn't exactly work, but it was too late now to turn back, so we kept right on going. Then it started to rain, and Benjamin wanted to turn back, but we just kept right on going. Then we came to a road with a down hill (finally), but when we got to the bottom of that you practally had to look straight up to see the top of the next hill, but we just kept on going. We finally made it to the beach after about 50 minutes. First we climbed a clif and threw our stuff behind this bush thingy. Then we all changed into shorts and played in the water, and found shells, and seaglass, and climbed all over sharp rocks, and cut up our feet and legs. Then we got bored playing on rockes, so we went to an actual beach and played in the sand and got really wet(it was raining part of the time, but it didn't make much difference, we were already pretty wet) , and so much fun stuff like. Keep in mind it is the middle of winter over here. So we were out playing in the water and these people would walk past in scarves and hats and give us really weird looks and stuff. We eventually had to pull ourselvs away from the beach and ride home. We were a little bit more wet on the way home, but it was fun even if it was mostly uphill the entire way.
Zachary is going to put pictures up soon. So while waiting check out all of his other cool pictures.
Quotes of the post:
little boy "Daddy, can I go play in the water?"
his dad "No it is too cold!"
little boy "but they (pointing at tamara and I) are in the water"
Such bad examples us Americans.
Me " Look! Sea glass! I love sea glass!"
Benjamin "No look, I found shells!"
Zachary "You can see glass any day, but you certinly can't see shell"
The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. ~Isaiah 58:11
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 21, 2006
About me
I apologize for the randomness of this post, but I really needed to update, and I don't have much to say really. Not much is going on in my life, well, that isn't really true. Check out Charitys blog to hear about my life.
My Favorite smells
- Freshly baked bread
- trees
- mowed grass
- Christians
- my mom's brownies
- my grandma's pies
- lake water
- horses
- most any animals
- squishy pillows ( I don't know what they are really called, but the pillows with little tiny bean things inside that are all sorts of different shapes. )
- new books
- new cars
- leaves in the fall
- outdoors in the early spring morning
- hot coco after playing in the snow
- fresh tomatoes from the garden
My favorite sounds
- pulling out of a gravel driveway
- most any music
- dogs toenails on a hard wood floor
- voices (especially my family's)
- leaves crunching underneath feet in the fall
- the noise before the 'do walk sign" in Australia
- horses hoofs pounding the ground, and their panting
- cats purr
- singing of psalms
- cameras
- dog barks
- kids laughing
- duct tape being pealed off the roll
- leaves in the wind
- squeaky swings
- flip flops
- talking into a fan
- lawn mowers
- Cole family gatherings
- the woods at night
- birds
- storms
My favorite things to feel
- horses
- dogs
- cats
- bunnies
- kangaroos
- mud between my toes
- water
- outdoors under bear feet
- snow
- fire on a cold day (not actually touching it)
- peoples hair
- rolling down hills in Australia (no chiggers)
- a mighty wind
- clay
- Charity's legs :)
My favorite tastes
- pizza
- American ice cream
- milo
- roasted American marshmallows
- burnt Australian marshmallows
- mountain dew (even if it doesn't have cafine in it)
- mom's hot coco
- veggies from the garden
- most any fruit
- warm cookies
- peanut butter and marshmallow cream
- warm salt water
My favorite sights
- my family
- my friends
- horses in a field
- country road
- hills with green grass covered in sheep or cows or horses
- kittens cuddles up together
- sunrises
- sunsets
- the ocean
- water
- the woods
- kangaroos in the wild
- a full sanctuary at McKinnon church
- lightning while in an aeroplane
- big storms
- most any animal
My Favorite things to do
- hang out with friends/family
- go to church
- ride horses
- play with younger kids
- play with animals
- knit
- cross stitch
- read
- listen to AIO
- listen to music
- ride bikes
- swing
- watch movies with people
- explore anything
- shopping ( I have to be in the mood for it, but I wouldn't call it my very favorite thing to do)
- play guitar
- climb trees
Not so favorites
- wet dogs
- my hands after washing dishes
- moth balls
- sour milk
- ticking clocks
- buzzing lights
- fingernails on a chalk board
Things to feel
- food particles in the bottom of the sink after draining the water after washing dishes
- crickets
- sticky hair
- grilled cheese
- tomato soup
- Turkish delight
- aero planes
- Chicago train station
- curdled milk
To do
- wash dishes
- clean bathrooms
- sleep in beds ( I prefer the ground or a chair)
- talk in front of people
- say goodbye
Monday, July 03, 2006
They are leaving on a jet plane

Today that missions team left to go back to America. :( I am going to miss them all soooo much. The past few weeks with them was a BLAST!! All but Eleni and my brothers departed this morning. It was sad to see them go, but I am sure they are looking forward to seeing their familys again. Pray for them all as they are heading back to America. Safe travels. And thank God for the blessing that there time was here. They were such a blessing to the churches here. They are all such godly examples to me. I hope to see them all again soon!
Bethany: don't forget your bible. You can sleep in my bed anytime!
Christie: I hope you get enought sleep. Don't go eating to many cookies and funnelcakes.
Luke: lets play the shoulder game, and sing my song
Tricia: You know who can't wait for you to get back? Don't annoy too many people with your didgerydo.
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