Wednesday, April 05, 2006

God has blessed me...

God has blessed me with a wonderful family. I don't thank God as much as I should for my family, I know that. They are so wonderful!

I have two AMAZING parents.

My mom( or mum as the aussies say): Makes the best meals. She always wakes up early to make breakfast for me every morning. She is the best cook. My mom does so much for me. She is an amazing lady. I love her so much.

My dad: He is my hero. I would love to someday have a husband just like my father. He is such a loving father. I am so blessed to have been raised in a Christian home where my parents taught me so much about God. I love my dad!

God not only blessed me with two AMAZING parents, but also 5 WONDERFUL siblings!

Allen:He is the best older brother I could ever ask for. You know how there are some things that you just don't appreciate until they are gone? Well that is how I feel about my two older brothers. I love them so much and I wish that they were living with me right now, but I know that Lord willing I will see them soon. Allen is a great comforter. He is a great example to me in everything he does. He is my favorite oldest brother! I love him!

Zachary: He is such a sweet brother. He loves to tease us, but I know that it is all in fun. He is great at cheering me up when I am down. He is so funny in all that he does. He is such a giver. He has always been known in our family for giving the best gifts to his siblings! He is the best photographer that I know :)! He definitely takes classic pictures! I love him, he is my favorite older younger brother!

Charity: She is a great Sister. She is one of my best friends. I can tell her anything, and trust that she won't tell anyone. She is such a great example to me. She always helps me when I need it. She is a great friend to me. I love her so much! They best older sister that I could ever ask for!

Tamara: I have probably spent the most time with my sister Tamara out of all of my siblings. We always tell eachother everything! We have shared a room most of our lives, and have gotten to know eachother so well from those loooong late night talks. She is an amazing younger sister. I love her dearly!

Benjamin: He is the cutest little brother I could ever have. He is a typical younger brother. He loves to pester us, but that is just what he does as a little brother. I love playing with him. We have great fun on bike rides, playing at the park, and in just whatever we do. He is always a great playmate. I love my little brother, and I always will.

Thank you God for my WONDERFUL family! I love you guys!

Song of the post: I have been blessed-Martina McBride

Quotes of the post:Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~Author Unknown

I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~Dan Wilcox

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard

I love all of these quotes. They are great.


Charity said...

awww I love you, Maria!!! :-)

rayhe said...

awww... so sweet!

Unknown said...

That is like the ultimate of sweet posts! You're a doll. I still need to know what happened with Charity's foot and I need to tell you that I was blessed, as your song says, I got to go see Martina McBride in concert with a girl here from our church, she won 10 tickets, a limo ride and dinner for herself and the other 9 people! IT was GREAT!:)
love ya

Anonymous said...

What a tribute to your family. We love you too. By the way what was the picture of that you said we didn't have in the States" Just curious. Grandma

SaraY said...

Haha Zach *is* a photographer...he lamented many times tonight that he forgot to bring his camera (I didn't lament because somehow he always catches me doing something stupid!!)

Maria JoAnn said...

Jon an Danielle, that is sooo cool that you got to go to a Matina McBride concert. I am so jelous.
Grandma, I am not sure what you are talking about the picture that you don't have in the states. What do you mean by that?
Sarah, that is soooo funny! I have never known zachary to forget his camera to something important. I bet he was mad!

Ellie said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

Ruth and I are still working on that CD and we promise we'll get it to you as soon as we can! Love you -

Nathan said...

Happy d'day! (today? yesterday?)

Unknown said...

Grandma is asking about that cuccmber whatever fruit thing! :) What was it again?