Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Burnt Toast

We have the strangest toaster I have ever seen. We used to have to set it on 2 or 3 to actually get toast. Otherwise it would just be warm bread. Then, anything higher then 1 would burn it. Now, you put it on 1 1/2 or two. That is just the beginning of the weirdness. Sometime our toaster will pop the toast out, and it will just fly out of the toaster, so you find yourself looking everywhere for the toast. Sometimes the toast gets stuck down, so you have to dig in the toaster to get the toast. Sometimes it just pops up, not enough to make it fly, but not so little that you have to dig for it. We have a strange toaster. Today, Benjamin decided to try an experiment with our toaster. He decided to try to find out what would happen to toast if he set the toaster on 6. Well, we didn't even find out what would happen, because after a while, the smoke alarm went off, and we had to pop it up. It was the blackest toast that I had ever seen. It also left our house smothered in smoke. My dad said that he could smell it even before he made it to our house. We had to open all the windows in the house to let the smoke out. Finally our house got aired out. It no longer smells like burnt toast. Benjamin did actually end up eating the toast, after he scraped off most of the charcoal. It was an interesting day.


Charity said...

yeah our toaster has some problems... I commented on the three posts below.

"oh dear" LOL

Charity said...

haha our house still kinda smells like it btw

Charity said...

oh and I love the song!!!!!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Our toaster cooks the first batch light, but any that follow immediately after, it cooks them just right.

Katie said...

He ate the toast?! Gross!

Ellie said...


you should name your toaster and then I'd like to meet it someday. :)

Nathan said...

Burnt toast smells lovely.

Anonymous said...

Charity, thanks for the comments. "oh dear" :)
Tim, that is kinda strange. Maybe it is just australian toasters that are weird. LOL
Katie, it was pretty gross. He like burnt stuff though
nathan, I hope you are joking.

Anonymous said...

I think it just takes it a bit to warm up. But it seems like other toasters we've had in the past have done that too. Basically, if you're doing the first batch, you have to put it down a second time, but then pop it up before it's done.