Monday, March 06, 2006

It's started

Today is the first day for the blog contest, and this is my first post. It actually, I don't think, has begun for people back in the US yet, we here in Australia are just the privileged ones, and we get to start before everyone else. If you want to join, it is not to late. For complete rules go here. I am not expecting to win because I probably wont be able to update every day, because our computer doesn't always work, and I don't get nearly as many comments as several other people in the contest. I just think that it will be fun to do. I cant wait to see who does win though.
To everyone who is in is have fun.


Maria JoAnn said...

After I posted, I realized that in the US, it is 2:21 AM, so I guess it has started for all you folks

Nathan said...

Obviously, this counts (I'll assume you didn't lose all intelligence when you moved)...but, you might want to change the date and time on your posts. Otherwise, 'tis a great start!

David Pulliam said...

At least you'll get more comments then me.

Ellie said...

You get so many comments already Maria, you'll probably win with your eyes closed! :) lol. Love you -

Benjamin Crum said...

I really like the multi-colored posts (does the color-scheme have any significance?)

rayhe said...

you must be more positive about yourself. I have a rule with one of my friends who says negative things about things she does that for every negative thing she has to say 3 positive things... boy if we were playing that game you would have to say a lot of positive things after that post :)

Charity said...

I am determined that one of the Blackwood's win. Hehe. :-)

Maria JoAnn said...

Ellie-I actually got more comments then I thought I would. THank you for the comment. I love you to!
Ben Crum-whoever you are. I just like colors.
Hannah-I wasnt trying to be nagative, but we Blackwood girls are trying to get one of us to win, and I hope it will happen. Charity will probably win.

Tamara Rose said...

beautiful post.... Even though i didn't read it. Well i relly don't have time, I've got people to see, Places to go, And things to do girls so you can't expect so much of me! :)

Anonymous said...

I have really enjoyed reading your Blog pages. I share with your aunts and uncles some of the events you tell about. Good going on reading maps. Hope your birthday coming up is fun. Are you going to have a pool party too? We love you - Grandma Cole and Grandpa.