Sunday, February 26, 2006

You know you're a Blackwood when...

  • You know how to argue by the time you're 2 years old.
  • When you're upset with someone, you simply say their name in a disapprobing/disgusted way.
  • You've actually eaten green eggs and ham.
  • You carry your Bible in the box that it came in.
  • Your scedule gets all messed up if you dont have Frideay night pizza and Saturday morning chocolate-chip pancakes with peanut butter and syrup
  • Your birthday just isnt a birthday without monkey bread.
  • Nearly every phrase reminds you of a song (and you start singing the song out loud)
  • Thr front row of your church is often filled by you and your family.
  • You're late to everything except for church.
  • You're known by nearly all RP'ers as "Ed's kids"
  • Pouring/spilling water/food on somone is a common accurance during dinner
  • You're very easily entertained.
  • Your disagreements often go something like this...

"Allen, you are wrong"

"No, Zachary you are wrong"

"Allen, no you are wrong"

"Zachary, No! Zachary you are wrong" etc

  • While driving along in the car with your siblings, you enjoy loudly singing along to weird music and bobbing you heads back and forth in rythem with the music
  • You've always Loved "Adventures in Odyssey" and often quote lines from them
  • You're used to at least six people talking at once.
  • One of your favorite things to do with people is tell them your life stories for hours and hours
  • your big vacation of the summer is covfamikoi
  • You start crying when you hear the words "look at your feet" and "put your hands on the bed"
  • You think the shoulders on the side of the highway are for spanking kids.

Feel free add on


Anonymous said...

haha! I love that list Marai! It makes me crack up so much! Love ya.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny Maria, because they are all so true! I just love you to death.

Tamara Rose said...

yup thoes are lovly!

Maria JoAnn said...

Flo-thank you thank you thank you for commenting!!! I am glad you enjoyed it.
Who is anonymous??

Charity said...

LOL! I still laugh. I'm so mad that you didn't let me post it on my blog! :-P Oh well...hopefully people will still see it on here!

Mary said...

Haha, that is soo hilarious! Who decided to make it?

Anonymous said...

Hey Maria!!!
i'm commenting. : ) that's so funny yet all so true!!!!

luv ya!

Anonymous said...

HA that is great!!! I love it. It's all so true. Hey who in their right mind doesn't like "Adventures in Oddessey"?

Anonymous said...

Maria.... I'm not any of those things *tear* but am I still considered a Blackwood? I hope so. I miss you!

Maria JoAnn said...

Mara-I came up with the idea, but charity came up with most of them.
Liz-thank you so much for commenting.
Mary-Adventures in Odyssey rock!

Maria JoAnn said...

Laura-you are part of the blackwood family, but all of these things are about my 8 person family. You dont have to do those things to be considered a blackwood. :)

Unknown said...

SO GREAT! I LOVE IT! Hmmm...I must be able to come up with one to add on...oh I know....
You know you are a Blackwood when you and your same sex siblings and parent have had at least 20 matching outfits...and then had your picture taken in them! How do you like that one!! I am sure I could come up with more.

Anonymous said...

These make me crack up!!! I miss ya ! Who in the world is J Freed ??

Maria JoAnn said...

Danielle-that was a pretty good one. I will add that to my list.
Grace-J. Freed is my cousons husband. Jon Freed. But I think that it was my couson Danielle that commented. It sounds more like her then Jon

SaraY said...

I agree with that carrying your Bible around in a box is a Blackwood thing...what's the deal with that anyway?

Maria JoAnn said...

Sarah-it just keeps your bible nicer.

We thought of another one today: When you mix your cereal.

Everyone, I am not going to update till march 6th so dont complain, but I am going to try to update every day, so I am just going to wait till then.

Maria JoAnn said...

you say pellow instead of pillow