Thursday, February 23, 2006

My First Australian Job

On tuesday night I babysat 3 kids from the church here. James (7), Bethany (5), and Josh (3) Glover. When I got there, Josh was already asleep, so I was really only watching Beth and James. As soon as I got there, Matt Glover, their dad, told me where food and drinks were if I got hungry, and just to make myself feel at home. He also warned me that Josh might wake up screeming, but not to be alarmed, just feed him a bottle and if he doesnt stop crying, then I should call him. They then left. First Bethany tried to convence me to let her go outside, but I knew her parents wouldnt want her to so we just played games. First Beth and I were playing a game with blocks, then James asked me to play with him. I played checkers with him, and in the middle of the game Beth interupted and took me and showed me the smoke alarm, and showed me all of the escape plans in case it should go off. It was very cute. James and I finished our game. When that was done the got ready for bed, and then we watched Princess Bride. Half way through the movie, it was time for bed. Surprisingly they put up no fight when I said time for bed. The went directly to bed. I said I would read them. We got out a book, and went to James room to read. In the middle of the book, Josh woke up crying. We went to the kitchen and fixed him a bottle and took him to bed and read to him. He was fine untill his bottle was empty, then he started crying again. I called Matt, and he said that he would hed home. We read untill Matt got home, and he comforted Josh, and my Job was over. It was a very fun night even with Josh waking up and crying.

Quote of the post: "Maria must be here, I can smell her" Josh Glover
as the pulled into church


Katie said...

Sounds like fun!
lol what a funny quote.

Andrew said...

smoke alarms, escape plans and everything...impressive for a 5 year old!!

Maria JoAnn said...

Katie-I thought that the quote was histarical.
Andrew-I was very impressed with her. I have never know a five year old to know so much about things like that. I dont htink that I could even do that. At least not here, and probobly not even in Indy.

rayhe said...

Hey Maria, Glad you had fun with the kids! They sound like a blast! Fire plans... maybe she should come run fire drills up here at Grace :)... I sent your school binder back to Indy with Natalie, so maybe someday you will get it back. I must tell you that the pictures all over it are quite fun! And seriously you have to kiss a kangaroo for me sometime :)

Charity said...

Haha that is just such an adorable quote! And yeah, she's a pretty impressive five year old! I would have thought she was 7 at least. I guess I will get this job either next week or the week after, huh? Oh well, I'll look forward to it. Even if Josh doesn't love me as much as he loves you! HE's never said anything about "smelling" me. ;-)