Thursday, January 30, 2014


Last year at some point my Dad, Tamara, and I started race walking together a couple times a week. For me I enjoyed it, but I always wanted to go faster because the faster you go the faster you finish. 

So then I took up running. I've heard that the more you run, eventually your body craves running, and you enjoy getting up early and going for a run. Some might even get excited about it. Well...I am far from that point. I'm currently at the point that I know that I should go running because it is good for me, but I don't relish it. So, I had to find a good way to motivate myself. 

So...I started listening to audio books when I exercise. I signed up for Christian Audio's free audio book of the month:

So 2 mornings a week, I plug in my headphones, and go out for a run listening to my book. 3 mornings a week I go out with my sister and we do our Pull-up/Push-up/Sit-up workout, and one day we do a skipping workout, and the day left is the Lord's Day, our day of rest. 

It's been a pretty great motivator. I get excited to find out what is going to happen next in the book, or the story. 

Today, I actually got excited about my run. I rode my bike down to the beach, went for a 40 minute run, then swam out in the bay to the buoy and biked home in my wet clothes, which kept me cool. It was actually really lovely.