Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Of airplanes and Odysseys

So it's happening again. The third time this year, but this is different, sooo different.

1. It's longer
2. I'm getting left behind
3. It's winter
4. Keaton and Hollie are coming
5. I'm going for a wedding

Remember Odysseys?
- Charity and I both starting our at the same time on the plane so that we can listen together
- Listening to the Novacam series on the train ride from L.A.
- Listening to them whilst packing Dad and Benji
- Staying up late with T last night whilst listening to one last night
- Listening to some on the plane ride home last year because my TV didn't work.
- And many more times when Odysseys were involved with Airplanes.

Unto the hills I lift my longing eyes whence comes my aid
My help is from the Lord the one who heav'n and earth has made
Your foot from stumbling he will never keep
He who preserves your life will never sleep

He who keeps Israel slumbers not nor sleeps by night or day
The Lord keeps you a shade on your right hand the Lord will stay
Throughout the day the sun shall never smite
Nor moon shall harm you in the hours of night

The Lord himself will your protector be from every ill
from every evil He will keep your soul securly still
Your daily going out and in your door
The Lord will keep both now and ever more

Psalm 121

Safe travels my family, see you in a month