Saturday, December 29, 2007

I almost jumped out of my eyes when I saw that he was 6'5"

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What's the baby for?

Mummy mummy look over there
I see a barn so crowded why?
There are heaps of animals everywhere
Look in the middle there's a baby I spy

Animals because it's where they belong
But people mummy? They shouldn't be there
The mummy and daddy and baby seem wrong
Why are they there, doesn't anyone care?

Mummy mummy, what's the baby for?
Why is he sleeping in a box not a bed
And the box is just sitting on the floor
not even a pillow for his head

Mummy mummy, please tell me why he's there
Mummy don't you know?
Mummy don't you care?
Oh Mummy if you do please tell me so


Many years later when I am not at home
My mother now lives far away
I call up my mother on the phone
I've something to tell her, something I must say

Mother mother, the baby is God's son
God loves us so much He sent Him to die
To take away the sins of everyone
No mother, now do you see why?

I have found out why the baby is there
I care mother, and I want you to care

Merry CHRISTmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

my how things change

Those of you who read my blog way back in the day would realize how much my posting has changed. Something happened, I posted, sometimes I documented it with photos

Nowadays, something happens, Charity posts

I sit, not knowing what to post. I could ramble on about how two days ago there was the biggest thunderstorm I have every seen in Frankston (also the only one) and how we silly American kids ran down the streets in our bathers dancing, singing, playing in the rain. I could even show documents of it

I could go on about how mums results came back from her MRI and they were clear. No trace of anything. So we as a family went and celebrated at Yoyogies

Or even about how Charity and I just had this conversation
Charity *cutting up tomatoes* :Uggg, don't you hate it when all the guts fall out
Me: I know, the guts are the best part

or even comment about a very funny thing I remembered today. It only took me a week and 25 reasons to convince the Glovers that I wanted to give James my gameboy. After all its a game boy not a game girl :)

Instead I sit here, not knowing what to post, not knowing what to say, wondering why on earth my posts change so much since I first had my blog.